Revenue Analysis
Lily’s Garden was launched in the U.S. on 2/4/19 … as of 4/12/19, it was averaging $11.7K in daily U.S. revenue on iOS.

Graph data is iOS U.S. only
The app is a collapse-builder with an emotional storyline, custom design mechanics, leagues with both individual and group goals, and an active live ops system.
Feature Details
- The new user experience explains how Lily inherited her late Aunt’s House (1).
- Players are then assigned tasks (2).
- To complete tasks, players must beat collapse mechanic levels to earn Stars (3).
- Stars are used to customize the rebuild of the House (4).
- Connecting to Facebook increases the max lives from four to five.
- In the league feature, participation in specific events determine a player’s ranking on the leaderboard (5).
- There are five league tiers with promotion and demotion zones.
- There are also Group Goals for each tier.
- Live ops events include:
- Level events > complete levels > fill the meter.
- Streak events > complete consecutive levels.
- League events > qualify > compete (6).