House of Fun released another machine with its own currency. The currency is used to purchase Enhancements in a bonus game, allowing players to customize the bonus game and trigger it at any moment (once unlocked). Examine this section to capitalize on the recent machine-specific currency trend and to implement opt-in personalization.
After hitting a Super Win in Slotomania’s Time to Cash, players can spend secondary currency to advance two steps in a progression and set the progression’s bonus to the Super Win amount. Every 24 hours, players lose a step in the progression. Review this section to implement Bank feature adaptations within a slots machine.
Certain symbols in DoubleU Casino’s The Lady Devil award the sum of the symbols already landed and locked. Other symbols add a free spin. Check out this analysis to either include powerful symbols to the base game or to make another variation on Lightning Link respins.
Stepper machines have declined dramatically from 15% a year ago … to only 2% last month. Four reel configurations (3 x 5, 4 x 5, n x n, and multi-matrix) make up 84% of the reels released in the past 15 months. And, machines with progression systems only appear to be trending.
Cashman Casino’s White Tiger has a jackpot mechanic integrated into reel 3. DoubleDown Casino’s Green Luck transforms adjacent stacked symbols. And, Jackpot Party’s Jackpot Block Party has a pick’em with three unlocking sections.
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Table of Contents
- Bonus Customizations
- Return to Giant’s Treasure in House of Fun
- Bank Adaptations
- Time to Cash in Slotomania
- Boost Symbols
- The Lady Devil in DoubleU Casino
- Class
- Reels
- Progression
- Notables Releases I & II
- Product Council
- L&G Slots Personas
- Premium Partnerships
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