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Tag: slots

November 2021 Casino Report

November 2021 Casino Report

Casino-fying Battle Passes Download the November Casino Report Battle passes (a subcategory of mission features) have rapidly become a major trend in top-grossing casino apps. The past four quarters saw double the average number of battle pass...

September 2021 Slots Design Report

September 2021 Slots Design Report

Fill meter progressions drive revenue Download the full September Slots Design Report Slot machines with standalone fill meter progressions have much higher average revenue impacts than those that combine fill meters with maps or collections. This...

Casino Report: November 2019

Casino Report: November 2019

Executive Summary Sales Calendar Bundles During multiple sales and a SlotoQuest event, revenue was +25% WoW and downloads -24% WoW. The set of sale events gives players a series of IAP options to boost their progression before and during the...


SLOTS NOTABLE FEATURES I [pigeon_protect] App Notable Features Released Heart of Vegas Weird Wicked & Wild Puzzle gives players pieces of a puzzle randomly when spinning any machine. Completing a puzzle awards coin prizes Big Fish Casino VIP...


Create an app targeting a new niche within social casino for long-term revenue gains [pigeon_protect] The app formally know as Vegas Downtown Slots, which is now called Vegas Words - Downtown Slots, introduced Vegas Words, a word-based mini-game...

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