Revenue Drivers
In Bingo Blitz, revenue started to increase after the release of a Bingo Room with a slots machine bonus. Then, revenue spiked after the Mini-Game Event (Liberty N’ Roll)went live. The U.S. holiday likely contributed to the revenue growth, but a similar trend also occurred in the U.K.
In the new Bingo Room, players daub any space to earn respins in a slots machine. During the Mini-Game Event, players daub specific spaces to progress along a board game.
New Innovations
After removing the holiday sale spike, revenue in Caesars Slots is flat during the release of the Quest Event Columbus Strike. The Event is innovative as it includes both Boost and Timer mechanics … two of the most valuable mechanics in all of mobile gaming that are barely monetized in Casino.
On the Quest Event’s board, a countdown timer starts on each Ship when players hit the Ship with a Bomb. Players must then try to sink the Ship in time. To complete the Quest, players can use several different Boosts.
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[/st_icon_box] [/pigeon_display_when]Table of Contents
- Simplified Slots Machines
- Blitzy’s Road Trip & Liberty N’ Roll in Bingo Blitz
- Boost & Timer Mechanics
- Columbus Strike in Caesars Slots
- Notable Releases I & II
- Casino Mechanics Taxonomy
- Premium Partnerships
- L&G Slots Personas

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